Sunday 27 April 2014

No questions...?!

Well I like this guy but he has and girlfriend (let's just call him K)and I like this other guy who sort of likes this other girl but he's super shy but he's also kind of my therapist (let's call him Attack Hug because that's my nickname for him). Anyway I used to be so close with K and now it's like we're nothing but Attack Hug is so shy he won't even give me a hug but he knows every mood I'm in just by looking at me and he wants to be a phycologist I think he'll be an amazing phycologist. 

Anyway I know I don't have a chance with K because of his girlfriend and all and she's super nice and they are such a cute couple but I kind of pissed off everytime I see them together... 

But Attack Hug well he's really shy which I find cute but also at the same time kind of a bummer but we are sort of friends and I can tell him anything and I think he's told me more than most people so I feel special. 

But on a completely random subject change assignments suck and are super stressful I HATE THEM!! All I have been is stressing out and having emotional break downs. But getting to talk to Attack Hug always makes me feel better and he loves this Proffessor Layton game and he sometimes asks for help to solve them I've only got one of them right so far hehe but it's ok because the game is annoying but fun. 

So that all I have to say for now so I guess THIS IS AS GOOD AS ITS GONNA GET!