Friday 14 February 2014

Photo Day and Valentines Day...

So today was photo day and valentines day... Double wammie! For one I actually brushed my hair properly and straightened it. I get to school and so many boxes of chocolates and stuffed bears. I have a valentines tradition thing because I never have a valentines it's kinda cool how it happens every year. But I love my friends coz they have me some of their chocolates. Anyway I came back from photos to class and when to go talk with my friends but they were in a group. So I joined another one with some people I know in my class and we are doing scenes about oppression and I have the lowest status. Basically we have three scenes and it goes like if get cyber bullied, then my "friend" in the scene ad I are walking then we get deprecated and I get yelled at and in the middle of the scene he join the bullies then the final scene the are all gaining up on me and pushing me around that the scenes so far... So for now I GUESS THIS IS AS GOOD AS IT GONNA GET!