Thursday, 27 March 2014

Drama Performance

Well in the end I had the highest status and I was the leader of the bullies and I had two sidekicks I think that's what they were and they did whatever I told them so yeah and then there was a guy playing the nerd and he had a group of friends but by the end he was then one getting into trouble. But everyone had to improvise when an audience member tried to change the scene and I have no idea how I did it but I manage to stay in character and stop the audience member from making the scene any better. It's funny because afterwards people in my drama class told me that it was scary that I played my character as the leader of the bullies so well because it is the total opposite of what I am in real life. So that's good to know anyway I know this guy and he is kind of my therapist. He actually wants to here about my problems and fix them so that's really good but I'm only just passing math and I have to wait till next term to move out of chemistry so for now I GUESS THIS IS AS GOOD AS ITS GONNA GET!

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