Monday, 2 March 2015


My grandma left some groceries at Woolworths, as you can probably guess she rang them. In a few minutes we were back there and I walk up to the front counter, I explained to them what had happened. The lady asked had my grandma phoned, I replied "Yes, it was a few minutes ago." Guess what she asked my next.... "Will you go and get them." I don't do any form of shopping, vounteerly. It took me forever to find the appropriate items, by this time my grandma had left the car wondering where I am... Today was eventful. So as always This Is As Good As It's Gonna Get.

This is how to be a heartbreaker...

Rule #1: Is that you've got to have fun, but when your done you've got to be the first to run.

Rule #2: Don't get attached to someone you could lose.

Rule #3: Where your heart on you check but never on your sleeve unless you want to taste defeat

Rule #4: Gotta be looking pure, just say goodbye at the door and leave him wanting more.

This song is now my anthem, well the Nightcore version anyway. I've started dancing, I'm actually pretty good. Sadly I can't tell anyone because I want to have at least one secret. Oh well now I have no secrets. Okay that's a lie... As always This Is As Good As It's Gonna Get.