Saturday, 7 December 2013

7th day of holidays...

I have to redo my nail polish but we have no nail polish remover... Great! We rented out This Is The End it's really funny but I don't want to spoil it! Guess who's angry at me again that's right my step sister, but to take her revenge this time se takes the tv show that was rented out for me Ja'mie Private School Girl... Well I can still get it for Christmas :) I still got my period, it sucks but what is the difference between chocolate and chocolate malt.
What is the thing with all girls my age wanting a boyfriend anyway, even though it would be nice to have one :) and apparently my friends yeah both guys and girls say I'm cute but when I ask them how they say I just am, what does that even mean? Well I guess THIS IS AS GOOD AS IT GONNA GET!

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Four days down...

So it's the fourth day of the holidays and we went to go get Santa photos like we do every night but all day my step sister and I had to clean all day to earn money to buy Christmas presents and of course she takes over and then has to say you didn't do anything. That got me pissed off but I was all nice to her. Then at Christmas shopping I put my hand front of her face and she punches me then I touch her back so lightly to tell her something and she punches me again and I'm like 'what did you do that for, I didn't punch you' and she says 'do I look like I care?' So I say 'you care heaps' then she says 'I don't care' so I reply 'we'll if you don't care then don't wear make up to school' she was just in a shitty mood with me after that. We go to get in car and my step mum says for her to sit in the front so she can sit in the back with my little brother but I could tell that it was to stop us from fighting. My step sister is in a shitty mood all the at home. We get home and she demands my little sister to clean her room and my little sister says she'll do it on the weekend coz its a school night for her. Then my step sister says 'clean your room or the ghosties will get you' and she turns off the light. Slams my little sister door and I hear my little sister crying coz she's scared. I give my step sister an evil look... And she says 'what!'
Then says 'my mum (which is my step mum) says you have to help me get the Christmas decorations' so I walk downstairs to help. Then my step sister starts knocking on my little sisters walls then starts laughing, I give her another dirty look the she quickly walks downstairs to get the decorations and she's ok at the start then I go to put a part of the base of the tree on a decoration box. Then she's all pissed at me again because she had to hold the light as Christmas tree. So walking upstairs to help her and she turns my little sisters light off and slams the doer again. My parents are in the bathroom upstairs but you can't hear anything over that shower.  Then my step sister yells out to them and says 'doesn't (insert my little sisters name her) have to clean her room now' and her mum yells back 'no not tonight she can do it on the weekend'. My step sister shuts up after that and just keep my little sister that her room is disgusting. The parents come out of the bathroom and tell everyone to go to bed so I do and then my step sister says that she and my little sister were fine. I come back up because my store mum yells out to decorate the tree together and then my step sister says very quietly 'stupid bitch' and I reply 'wanna say that louder' then my step sister starts yelling at me. i also yell out while going down the stairs that my little sister was crying because of what my step sister did and tell then but of course they don't believe me they just send me to bed and then my step sister a few minutes later says 'goodnight' and my parents are like 'goodnight (insert my step sisters name her)' Anyone know any good revenge plans? Well for now anyway THIS IS AS GOOD AS IT'S GONNA GET...

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Finally the holidays...

Year 10 is over and it finally hit me that I'm in Year 11 next year. Coombabah doesn't have a semi-formal but it does have a formal that's 2 years away but I have no boyfriend. Yeah I know every girl my age is like I want a perfect boyfriend one that gives me cute presents and stuff. That's not me ... Well cute things is cool but I'm sick of not having a boyfriend almost all my friends have a boyfriend... They're always sooo happy and saying how cute their boyfriends are and I'm just sitting there like lucky you. One boy did tell me he likes me but then he gets back together with his ex and says we can only be friends and yet he tries to hold my hand in science class the week before. Boys are complicated, I'm living proof of that. Anyway it's almost Christmas and all my imaginary readers are probably doing something very fun I'm staying home but I just came home from my parents wedding and we stayed 3 days and two nights at the Sheridan, it's no Versace but its nice even though water cost 9 dollars... I know 9 dollars for water that's stupid don't worry I walked to McDonald's across the road :) not even hotel food can stop me from getting my fatty foods. Ahahahah. Since its the holidays I'll try and keep you updated. THIS IS AS GOOD AS IT'S GONNA GET!